Set4Life SITE is an Exclusive offer not available on, accessible only to my Subscribed members! :)
IF you don't already have a WarriorPlus account, please Register for a new WarriorPlus account by clicking HERE (It's completely FREE to set up a new WarriorPlus account to begin earning with my affiliate program.) Once you've done that, please come back to this page and follow the instruction below to get started. All Set4Life SITE members are automatically approved for my affiliate program. Please follow the instruction below to get your Profit ready Set4Life SITE and Affiliate link. Step 1: Click at the red link below to get your Affiliate link. Click Here To Get Affiliate Link Step 2: Once you've got your affiliate link, please send it to me your affiliate link. Send it to [email protected] with the subject line: My Set4Life SITE Affiliate Link. Once you've done that, I will add it to my Link Rotator to help you earn with my affiliate program. It will generate random paid subscribers, on autopilot, for you to earn new commission and recurring commission with my affiliate program. I do that to help my affiliates earn with my affiliate program :) You can also recommend Set4Life SITE to others, just use your affiliate link, and any time anyone subscribes on Set4Life SITE through your affiliate link you will earn your affiliate commission and recurring commission. NOTE: You can always access this page from the email receipt you received from us or by clicking on "Purchase History" in the top right corner of your computer screen after you log-in on WarriorPlus. Select Set4Life SITE, then click on "Access Your Purchase". Thank you for using my service. [email protected] is my support email. If you ever need to reach me for support, please use this email address to contact me. I reply to ALL support emails. So if you ever have any question, feedback, or recommendation, you can rest assured that you will get a respond from me. I promise :) NOTE: [email protected] is the email address I had for years since I started using the Internet to earn a living. It's also associated with my Paypal processor. So if you ever wonder why your subscription is associated with this email address from Paypal, you can rest assured that it's from me :) Please DO NOT continue below until you've completed STEP 1 and STEP 2 above! AFFILIATE TOOLS Banner 728 x 90
Easily resize images, GIF, and banners online for free: EZgif Remove image background 100% automatically and free: removeBG NOT RECOMMENDED: Please do not DIRECTLY advertise your Set4Life SITE affiliate link in traffic exchange. My offer will break-out-of-frame and/or just show a blank screen if shown inside the surf window! IF you want to use traffic exchange platforms to advertise my service, please follow the steps below to get your personalized Leads Capture Page I had created for you with your Set4Life SITE affiliate link hard coded ready for you to use on traffic exchange platforms. Step 1: IF you don't already have a Leadsleap account, please create one (It's completely FREE to set up a new Leadsleap account to use the new Leads Capture Page I had created for you). Once you've done that, please come back to this page and follow the instruction below to get started. Step 2: Please click on "Page Manager" after you log-in to your Leadsleap account. Then, click on the blue button that says: "Add a new page campaign", and enter: "Set4life SITE" into the box that says: Enter a page name for your reference. Then click on: "Add Now" Step 3: Please click on: "+ Add a new page design to start". Then, enter this Share Code: page-awVVZsNNNB into the box that says: "Enter Share Code here" and click on: Import Now. Step 4: Please enter your Set4life SITE affiliate link into the box that says: "Enter your Set4life SITE affiliate link here". Then, click on: "Replace & Import Now". That's it. Congrats, you've just created a done for you Leads Capture Page I had created for you with your Set4Life SITE affiliate link hard coded ready for you to use on traffic exchange platforms. You can now use the URL of this Leadsleap page to advertise Set4life SITE on traffic exchange platforms. It's hard coded with your Set4life SITE affiliate link ready to go to work for you and help you earn with my affiliate program :) Text Ad (Category: Get Set4life Site)
***"Helping YOU is helping MYSELF and when you show people my offer, you are helping ME which in return is helping YOURSELF. You could earn with my affiliate program through my helps and from your own effort. Start earning with my affiliate program. Please use the Text Ads and Images provided above, together with the Leads Capture Page I had created for you, on the Traffic Resources I Recommend below, to promote your Set4life SITE. Doing so will help you earn with my affiliate program faster." The website that showed you the ad that got you here, IS ONE OF THE BEST place you should promote Set4Life SITE. You are living proof it worked! Traffic Resources I Recommend: i-lovetraffic: Simple powerful email traffic. LeadsLeap: Traffic to your site made easy. POWERFUL SUCCESS LESSON THAT WILL PROTECT YOU Put into practice the following, you will achieve: Time. Money. Freedom!
More Success Lesson will be available in my FB group's Guides. Please check it out :) Set4Life SITE provides you with REAL values. It's not just an idea. It's not an illusion. It's not a wish. This is REAL commitment, REAL solid foundation. It's like a REALLY good real estate investment! WEBMASTER TOOLS »»» Text Art Generator: Excellent for use on Social Media platform. »»» Learn how to build websites FREE at W3Schools »»» Learn how to create a Marquee (a scrollable text or images within a web page) FREE at W3Schools How To Create A Clickable Facebook Image That Links To Your Website 1). IF you have your own website where you can modify and update the source code of your web pages, you can create a clickable image to show in your FB post. Create an image (must be JPG or PNG) and size: 851x437 perimeter with the Actual Image size (623x282) contained within it for it to be displayed correctly. Here's an example of the sizing of that image Then just add this line of code somewhere before the </head> section of your web page: <meta property="og:image" content="URL of Your Image" /> 2). Replace "URL of Your Image" with the URL of your image. 3). Create a new post on Facebook with a link to your web page where you have that line of code. A clickable image will appear. 4). Once you see that clickable image appears, HIGHLIGHT the entire link, and delete it. The clickable image should still be there. 5). Publish your post. That's it. Once you published the new post, it's not just show a clickable image that will take people to your website but at the same time your link is hidden from the post. There's so many things you can do with this method, like hide your affiliate link in your post on FB. How To Hide Your Affiliate Link In Your Post On FB 1). Create a new post on Facebook and insert yours affiliate link into the post. 2). Once you see a preview of the link you'd inserted, HIGHLIGHT the entire link, and delete it. The preview should still be present, but your affiliate link is no longer showing within the post :) Link Rotator Script: For website owners & webmaster :)
<html> var urls = new Array(); var random = Math.floor(Math.random()*urls.length); window.location = urls[random]; </script> Test your rotator by going to your page. It should work just fine. Use it anywhere. Use it for any purpose. Use it to promote links to different website of your choice with just this one link: You can change or update your links anytime by updating the links in your rotator. IF you have any question, you can always contact me. I will help you with it. I promise :) SIMPLICITY IS KEY TO SUCCESS FOR LEADERS |